Database connection code of PHP.

Shahabas Abdul Hameed
2 min readDec 28, 2022


We are here using xampp web server.

xampp and php

// For creating a database, open xampp control panel, and turn on the Apache server and MySQL database.

// Then click the admin of the MySQL database, then it will open phpmyadmin in your browser. Or you can manually type in your browser, localhost/phpmyadmin/

// After, create a database named db_name. I just gave the name db_name, You can give the name in your own way.

// Create a file like name.php , and save that file into xamp/htdocs/newfolder/

// After writing the programe, open your browser and navigate into localhost/newfolder/name.php

// So there we can see if the connection is successful o r not.

// If the connection to the database is successful it displays the message of success. If it fails, it shows failed.

//Database connection code of PHP

$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","db_name");

echo "Connection success.";
echo "Connection Failed.";

// $conn is a variable.
// mysqli_connect() is a function.
// localhost is our host.
// root is the username of phpmyadmin.
// And the password of the phpmyadmin is null, so that’s why we entered only a double inverted comma ("").
// db_name is the name of our database.

// Then, we are checking the connection is succes or not with the if loop.

I hope you understood correctly.

If you have any doubts, please ask the question in the comment section.



Shahabas Abdul Hameed
Shahabas Abdul Hameed

Written by Shahabas Abdul Hameed

Learning Web Development & Cyber Security.

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